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Literary Lacquers Ocean Nail Art

Happy Monday guys! Mondays are a drag aren't they?! Well we are in the doldroms of summer, some of us are longing for fall, some of us are longing for vacation, others are just longing for some fun!

Anyway, since it's Monday and a portion of us are back-at-it as we say (I'm currently at the office on deadline, wrote this last night), I thought I'd share some nails that make me think of anything but work!


To start this look off I painted one coat of Literary Lacquers Thermofish* on my nails. Thermofish is a green leaning linear holo with scattered matching microflakies. Literary Lacquers does this finish so well so I paired with it with another polish from her latest collection Literary Lacquers Blue Lullaby* in a fun gradient look.


Then I got to stamping. For the image I pulled out my Bundle Monster BM-509 plate and used my KBShimmer Eyes White Open.


Then I wasn't quite sure if the look was super obviously ocean nails so I found a sea star image and placed in on my middle finger. The orange stamping polish I used was Jolie Polish Orange Dahlia.


To top the whole look off I did two layers of top coat, these polishes aren't top coat hungry, I just like to make everything super smooth and shiny! And they most certainly did shine and sparkle, check out these in the sun!!!


Anyway, I hope these bring a smile to your face. They certainly made my week brighter when I wore them!  Tell me of all the fun adventures you've been having! I've been having a chill week, but the future holds many fun adventures ahead.

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