If you’ve ever wanted to take the plunge and get a bob but were nervous about the actual, you know, cutting part, try watching Michelle Phan get her bob haircut first. You’ll see it’s really just hair and it can make you feel lighter in more ways than one. “Chopped off all my insecurities and dead weight. Certified bad bitch now,” wrote the beauty entrepreneur on Instagram. She captioned a video of the actual cutting process and it’s satisfying AF.
Phan visited Miju Salon in Los Angeles so James Miju could give her a chic asymmetrical bob. This wasn’t a few inches. It looks like half a foot of hair hit the floor but she didn’t look nervous at all. In fact, she looks excited and ready for the change. As Phan implied with her caption, it seems she has been hiding behind her long hair. It happens. You get so used to a specific look, it almost becomes your identity.
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