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An unexpected gift.

I had a lovely surprise in the post yesterday, I told you how much I like my new magazine. Well they sent me a little gift.

This was by way of an apology for the delay in publication. I will enjoy making some of the patterns up. It will wait until I have made a few more butterflies though.

I had an early start this morning, woke at 4.30 and could not get back to sleep. The bread is made, a Wholemeal loaf and a batch of Rosemary and Black Olive rolls. Let me tell you that they are very good with a slice of cheese in while still hot. I had to wait for 5 minutes as I burnt my tongue the other day.
 Another version of Mum's Apple Cake is in the oven, this one has mixed dried fruit and flaked almonds and mixed spice. It was going to be walnuts but I have used them all.
I aim to make another batch of the mix up and try in muffin cases.

I had every intention of making Apple Butter in the slow cooker last night, but fell asleep on the sofa. When I woke up I went straight to bed, so fingers crossed I get it done tonight, I have never made it before and have no idea what it is like but it looks and sounds good.

There is a new post on the other blog, I did enjoy my dinner last night.

                 TTFN                                                   Pam                                                           

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