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A series of misfortunate events

The ordeal I went through today was very much like the above movie, albeit in a different manner. First off, I woke up in the morning feeling very drowsy but I still forced myself to go to the wards in Port Dickson. Luckily I don't have to drive there but the thought of having a lecturer in the wards today practically killed off any chances of slacking through it.

Well, the Professor was supposed to arrive circa 10a.m. But, by 10.30, there were no signs that he was arriving anytime soon. Rather unluckily for him actually. Suddenly, we received a call from him saying that a previous lecturer forgot to inform us that today's presentation was cancelled and postponed until tomorrow morning. Shoot! Dang! All my effort trying to stay awake gone to waste. Unfortunate event number 1!

As for the next event, it was in the afternoon when a friend asked me casually if I wanted to go the wards again since exam is next week. I coolly said yes, why not. On our way there, we bumped into our senior, my friend's friend. She offered to give us a mock test. What a great idea! Why not right? *add 1 tonne of sarcasm in it* So, we went into the wards, were given our patients and an hour to prepare for our mock test. It didn't really help that my patient's symptoms are as vague as they can be. After the preparations, we presented the case to our seniors and prepared to be slaughtered.

Then, when we referred to my patient's case notes, I looked in horror as I saw that the patient was an IVDU (Intravenous Drug User) who claims that his HIV status is negative. He chases the dragon, if you are so interested to know. But the fact about his status as an IVDU and a possible HIV positive really shocked me as I was examining him like any other patient without any other precautions between us. Luckily it didn't involve any blood or any bodily fluid, but still unlucky enough for me to know about it right at the end. What if something happened? Unfortunate event number 2!

Just as I thought after I reached home nothing unfortunate would happen to me, came event number 3 as I was mentally preparing for this post. The health inspectors wanted to fog our house as there was a reported dengue case just up the road. Dang! They want to come in to fog? What in the world? We grabbed our valueables and ran out. When we saw the amount of 'smoke' in the air, we feared for the worst as we imagined how bad our clothes and room would smell. Little did we know that the floor would be that oily too! There goes half of my night, sweeping and mopping the floor. I was about to suggest to my housemate before the fogging about mopping the floor this weekend but I guess we brought the housework forward.

Well, like they say, every cloud has its silver lining. While cleaning the house, we all laughed till our sides ache at a very funny ordeal. Uber hilarious!

Housemate #3 : Eh, I sweep my room myself.
FengY : Okay, no problem *continues sweeping the living and dining room*

10 minutes later, while mopping the floor..

FengY : Eh, he is still sweeping his room. LOL
Housemate #1 : Why?
FengY : He is using the cursed broom. Hahaha
Housemate #2 : LOL.
FengY : Should we go tell him? But he is on the phone wor..
Housemate #1 : Nvm, later we tell him.

10 minutes later, after the upstairs has been mopped clean

FengY : I think we ought to tell him about the cursed broom.
Housemate #1 : LOL. He is still sweeping his room?
Housemate #2 : That broom, as you sweep, more dust come out from it. It is never ending!
FengY : Hahaha, nvm, leave it. I want to watch
Housemate #3 : *places broom in 1 corner and walks back into room*
FengY : Eh, he stopped sweeping. But the curse doesn't end there. You see later.
Housemate #1 : Hahaha! Let's watch

2 minutes later, housemate #4 reaches for the broom again

FengY, Housemate #1, #2 : LMAO
Housemate #3 : *tells friend on phone* My 3 gila housemates! Dunno why they keep on laughing!
Housemate #1 : We should tell him or not? *laughs louder*
Housemate #2 : *sits on the floor laughing*

After 2 minutes of laughter..

FengY : Wey, he is still sweeping! LOL
Housemate #2 : We should name the broom la!
Housemate #1 : It is the Broom of Never-Ending Dust! Once you hold it you are cursed!
FengY : LOL
Housemate #2 : Yah man! Nothing you can do to lift the curse. This is super funny! LMAO

After another 2 minutes..

Housemate #3 : Eh, give me the mop, I want to mop my floor
Housemate #1 : You know what is wrong or not? Your room is not dirty. It is the broom! LOL
Housemate #3 : No wonder la! I keep on sweeping and it keeps on coming! What kind of broom you all buy? Throw it away la!
FengY & Housemates #1, #2 : LMAO, ROTFL!
Housemate #3 : You know what you all should do, you all should give it to another person.
FengY : Yah, why not?! LOL

You all should have been there to witness the antics of housemate #3. It was so funny we laughed until our sides ached a lot, I almost couldn't laugh anymore or risk an inguinal hernia. What a cheerful end to A series of misfortunate events!

p.s. For more versions, read this Memorable Moments in Seremban (MMS)

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